Friday, February 28, 2014

Web Spotlight #7 - Black Prism

I found these guys through some clicks through the related videos section on Youtube.

Black Prism are an L.A. outfit that aren't trying to sound new. In fact, if you said they sounded like anything from the last 20 years they'd probably hit you. Black Prism are instead going for that Doom-y/Acid Rock-like vibe from mid-to-late 70's Black Sabbath. The guitars are fuzzy as all hell, the singer is howling in a not-unpleasant way reminiscent of 70's Ozzy, and it's wonderful. Hell, even their video for this debut single Satan's Country is made to look like some cheap 70's horror movie. The only thing that detracts from that image is the record label Easy Rider's Twitter and Facebook hashtag suggestions being in the bottom left corner.

It seems we're currently in a Hard Rock/Heavy Metal revolution that takes us back to the 70's, and I'm certainly okay with that. Black Prism aren't here to break any new boundaries, but instead explore a side of music we haven't heard from in a while. Check out the video, and if you like it, you can buy it for $7-8

Soundcloud (you can download the song for free)
Order Satan's Country

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