Friday, November 7, 2014

A New Section - Welcome Our New Contributor!

Hey everyone!

Big things are happening here at Critical Nerd Levels, we have a new contributor! That's right, we have my friend Grant joining the blog for a feature he calls Backlog Burnout, An in-depth look through his video game collection, old and new. I asked Grant to introduce himself, and this is what he had to say,

"Hello my name is Grant Nielsen. I’m currently studying psychology at Washington State University. While I truly love what I study, one of my biggest passions lies elsewhere. Namely, in the realm of video games. I have been captivated by the medium since a very young age. The ability that video games have to tell an interactive story and create memorable experiences and joy is unmatched in other forms of media. Childhood days spending hours playing slappers only Goldeneye in friends’ basements or adventuring with Cloud and Tifa are some of my favorite memories. From these experiences a lifelong love with video games was born and I became a collector.

Recently, I realized that the difference between the amount of games that I have and the amount of games I have completed has been growing at a dramatic rate. I decided to rectify this situation with a little project I have named Backlog Burnout. I’ve begun attempting to play through all of the many hundreds of games I just never got around to or couldn’t find the time to work on. Whenever I finish a game I’m going to share my feelings and experiences about it with you! While some of these games will be well known titles, many of them you may never have heard of, and a few of them may even be terrible. My only goal is to give objective, modern day reviews from a gamer's perspective, and hopefully spark some interest in products that may have flown completely under your radar or are out of your normal realm of experience.

My favorite genres are RPGs and horror, so many of the games will be from these categories or variations thereof. However, my collection is vast and I am sure there will be something to interest everyone in there somewhere. Anyways, I look forward to sharing my experiences with you and hope to provide information you find enjoyable and valuable. "

As someone who loves games but never actually plays any, I welcome Grant aboard to educate and entertain. Look for his first review up soon!

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