Thursday, January 16, 2014

Music Review - Forest Swords - Engravings

Forest Swords is the stage name of English producer Matt Barnes, and Engravings is his debut album.

I've been a big fan of Forest Swords' work since his 2010 EP Dagger Paths, which captured my attention. When I found out he had made a full length album I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was even better, though still riding the same style of "lost in the forest" style Indie Electronic Barnes is becoming known for.

When I said "lost in the forest" I wasn't kidding. The majority of the music Forest Swords makes, particularly on Engravings, has this old, earthy sound to it, tones I can't even fathom sounding anything less than a part of the earth itself. And yet, it's brand new. The way it sounds to me is as if you've just gone on an exploration of an old forest and are wandering through. You don't particularly care which way you're going, you're just letting the experience wash over you. And so the same goes for Engravings. While the songs all have a pretty clear beginning and end, it album as a whole feels more like a singular experience, letting these unusual sounds and textures wash over you. The song I think stands out the most on it's own however is Thor's Stone. Barnes probably felt the same way, as he made a music video for it and made it the single.

The music is certainly odd, but it's charming and beautiful. I'd say if you're into either the Indie Electronic scene or just unique listening experiences you should check out Engravings. Put it on and go for a walk, or a drive. Don't make the album your prime focus, instead, do something else with it on and let it wash over you. See how it effects your mood.


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